Couples Therapy

There are few things in life that people can argue more passionately about than decisions about growing their family.

It’s the one place in life where compromise is impossible.

And for most people, nothing matters more than their family.

So Many Complications…

Maybe you both wanted a big family – until one of you came to terms with how tough this whole process is.

Or one of you is ready to stop treatment.

Or you disagree about using donor material.

Both of you are going through this pain individually, in your own ways. So, it’s hard to lean on each other. Maybe you’ve even stopped talking about the painful things altogether.

Couples therapy can bring you back to each other.

Couples therapy can help you deal with your pain in healthier ways.

It can improve your communication, so you’re talking again.

It can help the two of you get on the same page before you go to your appointments – so you present a united front when discussing your treatment options.

It can reignite your desire.

Sex has lost its spark.

There’s nothing “sexy” about trying-to-conceive sex.

And that spark doesn’t just reignite itself. It requires effort.

Couples therapy can make you feel like a couple again.

Stop the suffering. Strengthen your bond. Strategize your future.

Sometimes, couples only require a few sessions to discuss their issues with an impartial third party who really gets the challenges of fertility treatment.

Sometimes, there were issues in the relationship prior, and infertility shines a light on them.

Either way, you are suffering enough without letting your relationship fall to pieces, too.

Couples therapy can help you get through infertility together, back on the same team.

Reach out today at (267) 766-0977, and let’s define and build a future that works for your family.