Going It Alone

Don’t give up on your dream of parenting.

Being a parent is something you never doubted. You thought it would happen at some point – once you met the right partner.

Parenting is something you’ve always wanted, and you just assumed it would happen when you were ready.

But you’re ready now, you’ve BEEN ready, and your partner has yet to show up.

Are you supposed to give up your dream of parenthood just because your romantic relationships haven’t worked out? No way!

Make parenthood happen on your terms.

You think, “This is great! Wow! But it’s so much pressure, so much stress.”

The hormones make everything even more emotional than they were.

If you reach out to your support network too much, they may start to question whether you’re strong enough for this.

So, you put on a brave face. But inside, there’s so much worry and fear.

It would help if you had someone in your corner.

Deciding to become a parent on your own is challenging. Becoming a parent alone is not a scenario you thought about in your dreams of parenthood.

I KNOW you’ve got this. I know that fertility treatment is impossibly challenging, and it makes everyone crumble from time to time. The thought even seems more difficult when you must undergo fertility treatment without support from a partner.

There is no reason you can’t fulfill your dream.

The process will seem less daunting with the right support.

I can help lift you back up and support you, so you can keep pursuing your goal of single parenthood.

Give me a call.