LGBTQ+ Couples

Making decisions to become parents is challenging.

Being queer, you knew having kids wouldn’t be straightforward like it is for many others. Having kids as an LGBTQ+ couple is fraught with so many challenges.

Whose eggs or sperm should you use? Whose uterus should you select? Is a friend or a stranger better as a surrogate? How do you prioritize what you’re looking for in donor material?

You have even more decisions to make than the average couple undergoing fertility treatment! And they have a lot of decisions to make!

And if you don’t identify as cisgender, reproduction can be deeply distressing.

Don’t let the challenges keep you from being parents.

Sometimes, it feels like this is one more way that being queer sets you apart from others.

Becoming a parent as an LGBTQ+ couple may bring challenges, but it is doable.

Yes, you have some unique questions to address, but many couples face similar questions.

Your sexual identity should not stand in the way of becoming a parent. All you need is proper support to make the process easier.

Let me be that support for you.

Although I do not personally identify as LGBTQ, I am an enthusiastic ally of the queer community with a family full of people who identify on the gender and sexuality spectrums.

We can cover your questions and find the answers that meet your needs. Many LGBTQ couples have asked similar questions and are now happy and successful parents.

Bring your authentic self to the session and know that I’m excited to work with you!