Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma plus Infertility

Maintaining the right mental attitude is a balancing act.

Keeping your mental health in a good spot has always been tricky.

Maintaining your mental health has taken some time, but you found the right combination of therapy, meds, exercise, and social support to keep you in a good place.

But it’s fragile. When things go wrong in your life, they REALLY go wrong. Your brain spins out of control.

All the old ways of thinking come rushing back.

Past trauma doesn’t make overcoming infertility easier.

If you have a history of sexual trauma, all those invasive tests traumatize you repeatedly. Those tests can sometimes GIVE you trauma.

You went off your mental health medication to start trying to conceive. That was years ago! So now, you must endure all the stress of infertility without meds.

It’s tempting to go back on them, but what if next month is the month?

And the hormones make your mood swings even more erratic than they are for most. That fragile state is beginning to break apart.

Regain that fragile balance with the right help.

Thinking about going back to your old therapist seems pointless. They won’t get it. It’s too much, too convoluted. If they tell you to “just relax and it will happen,” you may scream.

It would be best if you had a specialist. I can help you manage your mental health symptoms while undergoing fertility treatment. I know when to loop in your fertility nurse or a psychiatrist and when you’re ok to keep going as you are.

My support can mean the difference between continuing with infertility treatment and taking a break to stabilize your mental health, which is essential because time is of the essence with infertility treatment.

If you have a history of anxiety, depression, trauma, or other mental health concerns, seeking the right mental health provider is vital. As an infertility specialist and clinical psychologist, I have the training and expertise necessary to treat the most severe mental health issues.

Don’t wait any longer.

Don’t let your mental health issues stand in the way of seeking help with your infertility. Together, we can find a way to maintain that fragile balance.

Let’s get started.