The Decision to Stop Treatment

Deciding to stop fertility treatment is up to you.

It would be so much easier if your doctor would sit you down and say, “Listen, this is just never going to happen for you. Give up.”

But for most people, there’s no hard and fast end of the line.

It’s up to you to decide when you’ve had enough.

You’ve stretched your body, heart, wallet, mental health, and relationship to the brink, and you cannot do it anymore.

Doubts and suffering replace hope.

The suffering has been going on for YEARS. You’re sick of it.

The logical side of your brain says there is no hope here.

Then you start thinking, “If I give up now, does it mean I didn’t want it badly enough? Will people think I’m selfish because I decided to stop trying?”

One of the worst things about infertility is that guilt and shame are there, no matter what you do or don’t do.

Let’s talk about a different type of hope.

This hope comes when stopping treatment means that you can start LIVING again. Making this decision means you can eat what you want and work out when and how you want. Having that second coffee or that glass of wine without stress also comes with this type of hope.

With this hope, you can reconnect with your partner, reclaim your sex life, and get back to doing the things that make you, you.

If you’ve always wanted to be a parent more than anything, the idea of stopping treatment and re-imagining your life can sound terrifying. That’s ok.

There is no singular path to a happy and fulfilling life.

I can help you determine for yourself when it’s time to be done. Together, we can grieve what you thought your life would become. Then, we can help you build a new future, one rich with meaning, passion, and joy.

There is hope for a full life after making the decision that meets your needs because there should be no guilt with being infertile – especially when you gave it your best shot.

Let’s get started.